1. Finish up local sustainable Durango research.
2. "Locavore's Unite!"
3. Reading Time: The Omnivore's Dilemma Part 4. Complete Study Questions.
Study Questions: The Omnivore’s Dilemma Part 4
Chapter 18
1. How does foraging for food relate to the omnivore’s dilemma?
Chapter 19
2. What are the different styles of vegetarianism?
3. What argument does Michael Pollan offer to justify giving up his vegetarianism?
4. Are you okay with eating meat slaughtered industrially? Why or why not?
Chapter 20
5. What array of emotions did Michael Pollan go through when he killed his first pig?
Chapter 21
6. What purpose do mushrooms serve in the life cycle of Earth?
7. What is your opinion about the human relationship with mushrooms?
Chapter 22
8. Why does Michael call the feast from his do-it-yourself food chain “the perfect meal"?