Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Plan for CSAP week

You should use your class time to work on three main assignments this week.

1.  Add the Shakespeare project to your digital portfolio.

2.  Begin Drafting your Food Autobiography.  Prewrite due Thursday Mar 17.  First Draft due Tuesday March 22.

3.  Read Hatchet.  (due Thursday Mar 24).

Food Autobiography (Final: 1-2 pages single-spaced)

Write an autobiography that details your relationship with food. It should address the history of your relationship with food as well as your current relationship/attitude about food. This assignment is designed to be somewhat open-ended. You may take your own creative direction. Give your paper a theme. Make it personal. Put your own voice in it!

What does the experience of eating mean to you?
What do you eat?
What are the influences that shape what you eat?
What sorts of food have you grown up on?
What is the food culture like in your family?
What are your favorite foods and why?
What kind of eater are you?
What do you know about where your food comes from, and how does this affect what you eat?